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How to Make the Most of Your Uterine Fibroid Embolization Recovery

About half of all women develop uterine fibroids by the time they turn 50. Fibroids, noncancerous growths that develop in your uterine walls, can vary in number, size, and pain level.

Those experiencing pain and other symptoms caused by fibroids have several treatment options. At South Florida Vascular Associates, board-certified vascular interventional physician Dr. William H. Julien, MD, and his expert medical team offer uterine fibroid embolization (UFE), a minimally invasive procedure.

In the past, painful uterine fibroids were treated with surgery, either a hysterectomy or a myomectomy. The benefit of UFE is that it’s performed in our state-of-the-art facility, does not require hospitalization, has a shorter recovery time, and has lower risks of complications compared to surgery.

After undergoing UFE, taking care of yourself during the recovery period is essential for a smooth and successful healing process. Here, Dr. Julien shares tips on maximizing your uterine fibroid embolization recovery.

Manage pain and discomfort

After UFE, you may experience pain, cramping, or discomfort. Dr. Julien prescribes pain medications and anti-inflammatory drugs to help manage your discomfort. Follow the instructions for medication usage, and consider using heating pads or warm baths to alleviate pain.

Take it easy and rest

Give your body time to heal by getting adequate rest. Avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and intense exercise until cleared by Dr. Julien. When you start feeling better, gradually increase your activity level.

Expect some bleeding and discharge

Spotting, discharge, or light bleeding is normal during the first month after the procedure. Wear sanitary pads as needed. Contact us immediately if you notice foul-smelling discharge, as it may indicate an infection.

Stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet

While there are no dietary restrictions following UFE, maintain a healthy and balanced diet to aid recovery. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and prevent constipation.

Monitor for complications

Complications are rare, but be aware of any signs of concern. Contact our office if you experience severe pain, excessive bleeding, fever, or any other worrisome symptoms.

Perform gentle exercise and movement

Avoid strenuous exercise initially, but light exercises like walking can aid in recovery. Gradually increase your activity level based on Dr. Julien’s guidance.

If you’re experiencing painful fibroids, call South Florida Vascular Associates or make an appointment online to learn if you’re a candidate for uterine fibroid embolization. We’re conveniently located in Boynton Beach, Coconut Creek, and Plantation, Florida.